Editorial illustrations I did for various essays
in the Lithuanian magazine “Moteris”
“Day, night and day again” an illustration for the essay of Daiva Budrienė about her experiences while being infected with the Corona Virus.

“Home from the lives of the other humans” an essay of Daiva Budrienė about the different ways of understanding what home is

“A Diary of an Abandoned Child” the short story by Daiva Budrienė about the teenager facing the divorce of his parents who neglect their children in the face of family tragedy.

“The Portrait of my Mother” the short story by Daiva Budrienė about the warm memory of the mother and the journey trying to cope with her sudden death.

An Illustration for Daiva Budrienė's essay about anorexia “I will be like that girl from a cover of a magazine”.

“A Little Album of Every Woman” an essay by Daiva Budrienė.

An illustration for Daiva Budrienė's essay “This year I will cross you out of my list” about new years resolutions.

“Female financial independence”, an image for the article by Milda Matulaitytė-Feldhausen.